A Letter to His Excellency,
The Consul General of the United States of America
When my father became ill in 2008 and eventually passed away that year, I helped my mother, Linda Thabet Mickel go through his papers and we came across this letter. It was typed on paper that is very delicate and worn and the ink is smeared, but you can read the letter and it tells an interesting story. The evening of my father's memorial service, I read the letter to all family members that were present at my parents house. It was the fist time that they had heard the story from Abe's own words. Pictured: Abe and Nahia Mickel (my grandparents) with their infant son, Mitchell M. Mickel (my dad). The following is the letter.
Denise Mickel Russell
Beirut, Syria
June 16, 1923
To His Excellency, The Consul General of the United States of America
I, the undersigned Abe R. Mickel, was born in Syria June 5th, 1889 emigrated to the United States of America in 1906 and was naturalized as a citizen of the United Staes in the Circuit Court of Mingo County at Williamson, West Virginia on May 7th, 1915 that I was an ex-service man having served over sea with the American army, and was for several months in trenches. Then after the world war I returned to my home at Williamson W.Vr. and I have had a passport isuued to me on November 10th, 1920 No. 109287.
Then at the end of the year 1920 I left the United States for the old home in Syria and arrived at Beirut January 8th 1921, and went to my old home El-Kfair Husbia, for the purpose of selling out some property which we own and take back my mother and sister with me to the United States.
Being in the old home I became engaged into miss Nahy Fakhoury and I was subsequently married to her on May 22nd, 1921, and being unable to dispose of our property, I was delayed to leave this country, meanwhile my wife became enceinte and subsequently a baby was born in the latter part of 1922. On that account, then I was unable to travel to my adopted country.
On October 14th, 1922 I called on the Consulate for having passports for my mother, sister, wife and baby, and the Consul General gave me to make an application for departmentaly passport. In the latter part of December 1922, I was informed that I can not get a new passport, but I might have tie up to January 29th, 1923 to leave Syria.
Then upon returning to El-Kfair Husbia, I found my wife sick and my child in such delicate condition so that we were not able to start upon so long a journey and that was by an order of our doctor which you see enclosed his report. So it was impossible for me to depart before January 29th, 1923.
At the same time I was always keeping in touch with our business by corresponding nearly ever week with my brothers Tom and Nimer Mickel whom they are my partners running mercantile business under the name The National Department Stores in the city of Williamson West Virginia.
Now I am intending to go back to U.S.A. with my wife and child.
Very Truly Yours
Abe. R. Mickel
(signed by Abe R. Mickel)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of June 1923
(signed by Edward M. Goth)
Consul of the United States of America at Beirut, Syria
Personal Description:
Height——5 ft. 5 in.
Distinguishing marks——none
Place of birth——Syria
Date of birth——June 15, 1889
The Consul General of the United States of America
When my father became ill in 2008 and eventually passed away that year, I helped my mother, Linda Thabet Mickel go through his papers and we came across this letter. It was typed on paper that is very delicate and worn and the ink is smeared, but you can read the letter and it tells an interesting story. The evening of my father's memorial service, I read the letter to all family members that were present at my parents house. It was the fist time that they had heard the story from Abe's own words. Pictured: Abe and Nahia Mickel (my grandparents) with their infant son, Mitchell M. Mickel (my dad). The following is the letter.
Denise Mickel Russell
Beirut, Syria
June 16, 1923
To His Excellency, The Consul General of the United States of America
I, the undersigned Abe R. Mickel, was born in Syria June 5th, 1889 emigrated to the United States of America in 1906 and was naturalized as a citizen of the United Staes in the Circuit Court of Mingo County at Williamson, West Virginia on May 7th, 1915 that I was an ex-service man having served over sea with the American army, and was for several months in trenches. Then after the world war I returned to my home at Williamson W.Vr. and I have had a passport isuued to me on November 10th, 1920 No. 109287.
Then at the end of the year 1920 I left the United States for the old home in Syria and arrived at Beirut January 8th 1921, and went to my old home El-Kfair Husbia, for the purpose of selling out some property which we own and take back my mother and sister with me to the United States.
Being in the old home I became engaged into miss Nahy Fakhoury and I was subsequently married to her on May 22nd, 1921, and being unable to dispose of our property, I was delayed to leave this country, meanwhile my wife became enceinte and subsequently a baby was born in the latter part of 1922. On that account, then I was unable to travel to my adopted country.
On October 14th, 1922 I called on the Consulate for having passports for my mother, sister, wife and baby, and the Consul General gave me to make an application for departmentaly passport. In the latter part of December 1922, I was informed that I can not get a new passport, but I might have tie up to January 29th, 1923 to leave Syria.
Then upon returning to El-Kfair Husbia, I found my wife sick and my child in such delicate condition so that we were not able to start upon so long a journey and that was by an order of our doctor which you see enclosed his report. So it was impossible for me to depart before January 29th, 1923.
At the same time I was always keeping in touch with our business by corresponding nearly ever week with my brothers Tom and Nimer Mickel whom they are my partners running mercantile business under the name The National Department Stores in the city of Williamson West Virginia.
Now I am intending to go back to U.S.A. with my wife and child.
Very Truly Yours
Abe. R. Mickel
(signed by Abe R. Mickel)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of June 1923
(signed by Edward M. Goth)
Consul of the United States of America at Beirut, Syria
Personal Description:
Height——5 ft. 5 in.
Distinguishing marks——none
Place of birth——Syria
Date of birth——June 15, 1889
Abe's only daughter, Gloria Mickel Bevins, wrote the following about her father (date unknown).