Winston Churchill once said, "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see". So many of us have lived our lives without much reflection on our past. As a result, we have missed out on so much rich and interesting history of our ancestors, the community they lived in and the social and economic condition of the time.
It's after we get older that we begin to think about the past, only to find that much of the important information goes to the grave with the passing of our loved ones. There has been a great deal of interest lately in the field of genealogy and many resources have been developed to enable us to do a much better job of writing our family history.
My greatest regret is that I did not ask my parents more questions about their past history so that I could pass it on to my children for their future reflection and enjoyment. Fortunately I have a fair amount of information and recollections of my grandparents, my aunts and uncles. I have attempted to put as much as possible in writing with as many interesting pictures as I was able to obtain. It is my hope that the next generation will appreciate this effort and use it to continue their history for their children and grandchildren.
Click below to read the Zakem-Marji Story, Five Generations