85th Kfeirian Reunion
Held in Charleston, WV
September 1-3, 2017
Held in Charleston, WV
September 1-3, 2017
If you attended this reunion and would like to have your photos included on this page, please submit your photos via email to reunion@kfeir.com.

1st row:
Sarah Wisniewski, Reagan Hanna, Breya Lecklak Sherry Parrish, ?, ?
2nd row:
?, Samantha Donley, Brandon Donley, Kenzie Donley, Dylan Donley, ?, ?, ?, ?, Quentin Hanna, Nathan Hanna, Jacob Wisniewski
3rd row:
?,?,?,?,Duncan Donley, Shannon Donley, Matthew Ayoob, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
4th row:
?, ?, ?
5th row:
?, ?, Rose Christian, Mrs. Donley, George Hanna, ?, Elaine Rahall, ?, Ray Abraham (baby in lap), Jeanette McCoy, Lois Thabet, David Thabet, Larry Jamra, ?, ?
6th row:
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Gloria Hanna, Karen Stagg, ?, Doug Bassett, Christy McCoy, Cheryl Slater, Charlotte Lecklak, ?
7th row:
Burt Ketcham, Lori Thabet, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Nicholas Joseph, ?, ?, ?, Amy Lecklak, Mary Jane Ayoob, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
8th row:
David Rahall, ?, ?, ?, :, :, :, :, James Donley, John Joseph, Kristine Joseph, Michael Joseph, ?, ?, ?, Perry Ayoob, ?, ?, ?
9th row:
Greg Hanna, ?, Abe Saad, John Hickey, Deitra Hickey, Mark Wisniewski, Laura Wisnieswski, ?, ?, ?, Monica Donley, Kevin Donley, Denise Russell, Ron Russell, Laura Rahter, Thomas Bevins, Evie Cassis, Cassis,
In front of Evie Cassis – short row is Nora Abraham, Mike Abraham, Michael Abraham, ? ( holding child), ?, ?, ?
Additional pictures from Douglas Bassett below.