1st Formal Kfeirian Reunion
Held in Huntington, WV
Held in Huntington, WV
The 1st formal gathering of the Kfeirian Reunion (Brotherhood) was held in Huntington, WV in 1933. As noted in the letter below from 1933, this was the year that was considered the 6th year of the Kfeirian Brotherhood (with informal gatherings). Dues to be a member of the Brotherhood in 1933 were $3.
Gatherings prior to 1933 were:
1928 - 1931 Informal gatherings
1932 - Informal gathering held in Huntington, WV
Gatherings prior to 1933 were:
1928 - 1931 Informal gatherings
1932 - Informal gathering held in Huntington, WV